.Iran-Mahabad- Balviz news site .Book publishing breaks record in Turkey .The Turkish book publishing industry, which experienced a recession last year, began 2020 with significant growth .Book publishing in Turkey in the first nine months of 2020 reached a new record of 60 million copies in one month The President of the Turkish Publishers’ Union, […]
.Iran-Mahabad- Balviz news site
.Book publishing breaks record in Turkey
.The Turkish book publishing industry, which experienced a recession last year, began 2020 with significant growth
.Book publishing in Turkey in the first nine months of 2020 reached a new record of 60 million copies in one month
The President of the Turkish Publishers’ Union, Munir Auston, stated: “We have now increased the number of copies by 30 million compared to the same period last year”
“If things continue like this, we are waiting for a new record by the end of the year,” Austin added
/Mahabad / Balviz /
انتشار کتاب در ترکیه رکورد زد
ایران/مهاباد/سایت خبری بالویز
صنعت انتشار کتاب ترکیه که در سال گذشته با رکود مواجه شده بود، ۲۰۲۰ را با رشدی چشمگیر آغاز کرد.
انتشار کتاب در ترکیه در ۹ ماه نخست سال ۲۰۲۰، با ثبت رکوردی جدید به ۶۰ میلیون عدد در یک ماه رسید.
رئیس اتحادیه ناشران ترکیه، منیر اوستون اعلام کرد: در حال حاضر ۳۰ میلیون عدد نسبت به مدت مشابه سال گذشته افزایش چاپ داشتهایم.
اوستون افزود: اگر شرایط به همین منوال پیش رود، منتظر ثبت رکوردی جدید تا پایان سال هستیم./ان تی وی
If these units continue, fines and pollution taxes will be included
The selection of the painting was based on her interest in this art
Mahabad is located in the south of West Azerbaijan
This amount last year at this time was 70 million cubic meters