Farooq Soleimani

Warning for four polluting units in Mahabad

If these units continue, fines and pollution taxes will be included

Mahabad/Balviz/Environment/Four polluting units in Mahabad received an environmental warning.

According to Balviz news site, “Farooq Soleimani” said: environmental notice was issued for four active polluting units in three occupations located in this city.

He stated: These units include 2 asphalt factories, sand and brick manufacturing unit.

Soleimani added: These units received a warning because the parameters were higher than the standard. which should be resolved in the second quarter of the year.

He continued: If these units continue, fines and pollution taxes will be included.

“Farooq Soleimani” added: Any kind of environmental pollution is not acceptable and environmental regulations and standards must be fully respected.

“Soleimani” stated: On average, 12 production, service and industrial units are visited and monitored monthly.

He said: In case of violation, a warning will be issued and they will be dealt with during the process of removing their pollution.
Soleimani announced the launch of the second module of the treatment plant in Mahabad Industrial Town

He continued: According to the latest test results of the town’s wastewater, its environmental problem has been resolved and it has the necessary standards.

According to Note 1 of Article 38 of the Value Added Tax Law, production units polluting the environment that do not comply with environmental protection standards and regulations, as determined and announced by the Environmental Protection Organization, are subject to paying one percent of their sales price as duties which is a heavy fine and sometimes more than the profit of the industrial unit.

mahabad/balviz/04:30:30 – 2024/07/01/news 4312/news code 20584/Monday 162/