Mahabad / Balviz / Deputy Governor and Special Governor of Mahabad, said: All offices in Mahabad are closed until the end of August on Thursdays “According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, all government departments will be closed until the end of August on Thursdays due to the lack of electricity and […]
“According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, all government departments will be closed until the end of August on Thursdays due to the lack of electricity and the need to supply electricity to other sectors,” Aref Khedrlou was quoted as saying by the Balviz News Agency
“Aref Khedrlou”, the deputy governor and special governor of Mahabad city, added: “Mahabad offices are also closed on Thursdays until the end of August, subject to the above decree
The special governor of Mahabad, while thanking the people and the bazzars of Mahabad, emphasized: “All our efforts are to minimize power outages and we hope to be able to pass this period with the cooperation of the people and witness the least blackouts in the city
According to the Balviz news site, the Ministry of Energy has announced in a letter to solve the power outage problem, that until the end of August, government agencies will be closed on Thursdays in accordance with the regulations
Mahabad / Balviz /2021/07/09- 12:20:45 / News 2730 / News Code 12830 / Friday
ادارات مهاباد،تاپایان مرداد ماه،روزهای پنج شنبه تعطیل است
به گزارش سرویس سیاسی،پایگاه خبری بالویز،عارف خدرلو” با اعلام این خبر اظهار داشت:بر اساس مصوبه هیئت وزیران تمامی ادارات دولتی با توجه کمبود برق و لزوم تامین برق مصرفی سایر بخش ها، تا پایان مردادماه روزهای پنجشنبه تعطیل هستند.
“عارف خدرلو”معاون استاندار و فرماندار ویژه شهرستان مهاباد،افزود:ادارات مهاباد نیز با تابعیت از مصوبه فوق تا پایان مردادماه روزهای پنجشنبه تعطیل هستند.
فرماندار ویژه مهاباد،ضمن تشکر از عموم مردم و بازاریان مهاباد تاکید کرد:تمام تلاش ما این است که قطعی های برق به حداقل برسد و امیدواریم بتوانیم این مقطع را نیز با همکاری مردم سپری کرده و شاهد حداقل خاموشی ها در شهرستان باشیم .
به گزارش سایت خبری بالویز ، وزارت نیرو برای حل مشکل قطعی برق طی بخش نامه ای اعلام کرده است،که تا پایان مرداد، سازمانهای دولتی، پنج شنبهها مطابق با ترتیباتی تعطیل میشوند.
مهاباد/بالویز/۱۴۰۰/۰۴/۱۸ – ۱۲:۲۰:۴۵ / خبر ۲۷۳۰ / کد خبر ۱۲۸۳۰ / ج
If these units continue, fines and pollution taxes will be included
The selection of the painting was based on her interest in this art
Mahabad is located in the south of West Azerbaijan
Mahabad city is one of the southern cities of West Azarbaijan province, which is located in the south of this province