The body parts of an 18-year-old teenager revived 4 people in Urmia
With the consent of the family, the organs of the 18-year-old young man saved the lives of 4 people.
Mahabad / Balviz / Vice President of Medicine of West Azerbaijan University of Medical Sciences and Healthcare Services said: With the consent of the family of an 18-year-old Urmia youth who suffered brain death, his organs were transplanted to four people.
According to the social service, the Balviz news site “Nasser Masoudi” announced this news and stated: “Zahra Eidi’s” body organs, who suffered brain death due to an accident, were donated with the consent of her family.
He added:The organ donation operation of this young girl was carried out at Imam Khomeini Hospital in Urmia, during which her 2 kidneys were transplanted to 2 patients who were in line to receive kidneys.
Masoudi continued:The liver and heart of this person were also sent to Tabriz Hospital by helicopter to be transplanted to two patients in need of organs in that city.
Organs that can be donated to a brain dead person include the heart, lungs, liver, intestines, kidneys, pancreas, pancreas and some body tissues including skin, tendon, cartilage, bone, bone marrow, heart valve and cornea.
Currently, 25,000 patients in the country are in line to receive organs, while only 800 people donate organs per year.
Translator: Meraj Bayzidi
Mahabad/Balviz/2022-08-05-08:35:12/news 3395/code news16369/f
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